Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Labor With Love

Morin' all,

Some of you may know that about two weeks ago I tripped over the dog bed and hurt my leg. I think something with the muscles and tendons. Anyhoo I went to the doc and nothing is broken so that is good. My shower was in serious need of cleaning and I couldn't do it as I have an old tile shower and couldn't scrub it the way it needed. My leg just wouldn't allow it. So, my very sweet daughter came over and scrubbed it for me. Now if you can't do something like that and you really need it done you just have no idea how much you appreciate something like that. In the mean time Mary had come up with a clock you could make in the Maison de Madeline SVG Kit  and I wanted to do it but of course I had to wait till I had the clock work for it. My friend picked one up for me a Michael's  when she was down the hill last week. PERFECT!!!!! I can make the clock and give a thank you gift to my daughter for doing such a sweet and wonderful thing for me. 
Here was my dilemma. I wanted to do it in a kitchen theme for her kitchen and Mary hadn't really done a fifties or coffee theme kit or collection yet. She has a cute one called An Afternoon at Aunt Elaine's SVG Collection but that wasn't really what I was looking for so I found a tea pot and tea cup on Silhouette's site and for the first time ever I changed the nodes around on it a bit. It took me forever but I wanted a certain look and that was the only way I knew how to get it. I can't really draw all that well and I am not all that familiar with the designer addition of Silhouette yet but when you really want something for someone and it is in you ability, you try to make it happen. That is what I did. 
I made the teapot longer and moved the nodes so I could make the spout higher. I couldn't tell you how I did it, but if you have this program select a simple shape and try playing with it. It was a little difficult but then nothing is simple when you first do it and  with practice you get better at it. I like that I have these so I can advance my crafting and creating ability. Then if that wasn't enough I knew if it were in her kitchen she really needed it to be sealed a bit so it wouldn't get ruined so quickly, so that was my first experience with using Mod Podge. Now If you have never used it before I did learn a couple of things. 1. make sure if you using paper with layers that they are all glued down well on the edges. This cuts down on the warping affect. 2. Follow the directions!!!! I used very thin layers just like they said and I let it dry between layers for the time or longer than they said. 3. and most important!!!!! Don't be in a hurry!!!!!!!! I love how Mary says take your time don't be in a hurry because that never helps. Well she is right slow down.What your making is worth the wait and the time it takes you to make it, so don't rush. You'll be much happier with the end result. Most import!!!! Love what your doing. If you aren't happy with it change it! Remember, your the artist and it is your eye that needs to be happy with it. I had a lot of fun doing this and I like that I learned a few new things. I am looking forward to growing more in my crafting ability. 

 I did request that Mary make a 50's style kitchen collection or even dare I hope something 3d but we just have to wait and see what wonderful thing she comes up with. I will post a link for the clock from the Maison de Madeline
kit below The teapot and the cup are on the silhouette online store and you can probably guess which one I used and changed if you look.  Thanks for joining me and as always, Happy Crafting!!!! Now go enjoy your day! Blessings, Sharalyn

SVG Kits and Collections Used:
Maison de Madeline SVG Kit


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