Sunday, March 2, 2014

Capturing A Moment in Time

Hi Y'all,
My New room is done. Whew! I love it so very much and can't wait to see how Mark's Man cave comes along. I know he was a little excited about the thought of finally having his own room and he is becoming much more excited about his "Man Cave" now that my room is all done.
To commemorate my New room I made the camera with a little twist, keep reading I'll get to it..LOL
This all came about when we had my folks here for a visit from Oregon. They usually sleep in this room when they come to visit. So Mom and I were talking and she asked why I wasn't turning the room into my own craft room till after they moved to our area.  Mark and I wanted her and Dad to have someplace to stay when they came to visit. That was the main reason we left it the way it was. She talked us into going ahead and changing it but we had some other things come up and couldn't go for it yet.
January came and things had settled a bit here so I asked if I could get started on it. I had pinned on Pinterest like crazy ideas and what not of what I liked what I wanted to do. The main thing was really get my stamps organized so I could actually find them without a long drawn out dig and then be left with a mess on the floor. Often I would have one and then be I just had that other one in my hand to seconds ago. It was truthfully driving me nuts! I also wanted to be able to walk in a room and relax just by the color of it. We have a lot of OLD wood paneling in our house and because it is the "real" stuff and there is probably no plaster on the walls underneath we haven't taken it down. But I was and am tired of all the wood and brown in our house. I needed something cheery that was all my own.
I started with really thinning down my teddy bear collection. Down to two shelves to be exact in my bedroom and a few still in the living room but I know I took 5 outdoor trash bags to the hospice to get rid of them all. Then I got rid of the King size waterbed. Then I went to work on cleaning out 4 closets and when all was said and done I had taken 4 car loads of stuff to hospice.

I painted my room with my hubby's help, then we had the shelves built in the closet. I would work all day on painting or whatever then sit at night on the couch and make labels for all my clear stamps and thin dies and put them in envelopes. Then start all over the next day. Really it was kind of crazy now that I think of it. My dear friend and Stampin up gal came over for a sewing  lesson and said she was really surprised at how fast I moved on this. I laughed but I guess that is kind of the way I am when I get something in my mind. (this could be a bad trait in me) LOL. After Jim came over and did my closet I painted it the next day, I really didn't want to but when Jim, Joy and Mark said I should I bit the bullet and did it. Mean time Mark helped greatly by planning and BBQ ing when ever he could. The day after I painted the shelves I checked and they were dry so I started moving stuff in. I got two more things from Michael's to store my AC Paper scraps in and to put over the door on the inside of my closet. Then I sorted all my paper scraps and labeled file folders and hung those in my file drawer from Michael's, that's when I discovered I need to thin the herd on my scraps a lot! They wouldn't all fit.
I had pinned this great paper holder someones husband made but mine doesn't to wood things so together we came up with a system that works sort of. I like it but sliding out the shelves isn't going to work to well. Maybe later I can change it to be more like I wanted but for now I love the way it all looks. I also discovered that colors I thought had just faded were really other colors.. Get that Color chart they sell not only will you buy the right color but it helps you sort "faded" paper! LOL

I re-purposed whenever and were ever I could. I will say a lot of my stuff came from Amazon. We don't have a lot of places up here to shop and some were particular things I was looking for. The clear storage containers were some, my very first purchase to the start of my room was my Brother P-touch 200 label maker. I had looked on another site and they wanted 44.00 for it. Now I am not disputing that it is worth that cost but I liked 24.00 a lot better. I bought the tapes for it as well on Amazon as I found the cost was much better on there as well. About a week or so ago I saw it was 9.00 on there! WOW such a deal! My friend who is redoing her room was interested in it so I told her go snap one up at that price, then I spoke to my mom that night and showed her all I had done and she wanted one! So I told her go snap one up! She got one too for her fabric and organization of her sewing room.  I think it is pretty safe to say I am a talking bill board for the P-touch Label maker!

I had our handy man from church do the build on my desk and shelves for my closet. I was very sure of what I wanted and Jim offered his ideas here and there and I took them as I do not know how to work with wood or build shelves. I am VERY happy with the results.

It feels light and airy in this room and I love having all my craft stuff together. I also sew and have for years and I quilt too but nothing like Kathy Helton. Just for my own pleasure or to make something for friends as gifts. 

As I was in the middle of this makeover I thought I would love to make something paper to use as a scrapbook so to speak of the change this room took. That is when the Instant Memories Kit came out from SVG Cuts. I went to work on making the camera and had to actually wait for the rest of the idea till the room was finished.
Here is what I did to make my scrapbook camera:
 Import and cut the camera at the size it imports. I glued mine all together then made a "film strip" to come out each side from the Summer Blockbuster Kit. I did alter the nodes a bit so it would be the shape I had envisioned. In order to have the holes at the bottom I duplicated the top strip then released compound path and deleted the squares where the picture cut outs were. Then make a compound path again and cut the bottom and top pieces. Maker sure you flip one so you end up with the straight side toward the camera. I then made a simple rounded edges rectangle and drew a I shape in the middle and made a compound path with that too. To assemble the whole thing get your pictures printed then cut the put the pictures where you want to the back film strip and you can either have your machine cut the pictures out or you can draw around the edges and cut them with scissors like I did. Mary has shown several times how to have your machine cut them out but you can do a search in the box on the blog and it will take you right to it. The rectangles with the cut in the center is to hide & attach the film strip to your camera. If I was thinking ahead I would have added flaps to the edges of the film strip but you can do that yourself and save yourself time. LOL
When I got that part on I decided I wanted to add the flash cube that used to be the way when I was a kid. Now it doesn't really go with this camera but I like and and it is for me anyway so I did it that way. I made an extra knob from the camera then too the dice from Rockin and Rolling SVG Kit and deleted the holes then cut as I would normally and assembled that as well. I used my blue Copic Marker to add the flash affect and my clear Wink Of Stella pen on top of the cube edges. Take your square Epoxies from Epiphany Crafts and put that on top and just to add a little more flash to it I added some Hero Arts Rhinestones to the top middle of the cube. So there you have it my new room, and the camera from Instant Memories as a sort of Scrapbook to remember this wonderful time in my life. Thanks so much for stopping by. I will try to get the ball rolling with my crafts now that I have my room all done. Happy Craftin' Y'all!  Blessings, Sharalyn
SVG Kits Used:
Instant Memories
Rockin and Rollin
Summer Blockbuster

Supplies used:
Simple Stories : Vintage Bliss Collection
American Craft Card Stock: Aqua, Sky, Black
Epiphany Crafts Square Caps,14 round Caps
Hero Arts Rhinestones
My Minds Eye Enamel dots
Wink of Stella Clear pen
3d Zots (under the cube)
Scotch Quick Dry Adhesive
Note: while adding photos back in I deleted by mistake I thought I really need to do updated photos and will write myself a note to do so. Hard to believe it has been over a year since I moved to my new craft room!


  1. That color on the walls is very soothing, great pick. I love your camera, the details on it are awesome and the film strip coming out of it looks very neat.

    1. Thank you Therese. I wanted the color to be soothing and very much a peaceful place for myself. I am hoping to have a wood look floor installed at a later date. 1. So I can scoot across the floor in my chair and 2 so I have a fighting chance of finding what I just dropped for the hundredth time! LOL

  2. I very happy for you to have such a special place to create. I hope you have many crafty moments there. It is very nice a peaceful. I hope someday to have my own special spot.Your project is cool too. Linda

    1. Thank you Linda! I hope you get a spot someday too! When my daughter was 5 I would sew dresses for her at the dining room table and dream about a craft room all my own. Now she has a 12 yr old son and three other boys, needless to say I've waited quite a while. I hope you don't have to wait that long. Glad you like the camera sure was easy! Blessings, Sharalyn
